Notes for Participants
Participation at NL Scout Meetings is normally restricted to companies, which have or want to have an Exploration and Production interest in the Netherlands. However, the Steering Committee wishes to see as wide participation as possible, from upstream to downstream E&P companies as well as from companies which are engaged in the development of unconventional hydrocarbon resources.
There are exceptions to general rules on participation, primarily relating to individuals. People, who previously represented their companies and find themselves temporarily between companies or continue to work as consultants in the industry are welcome to attend the meetings. The Steering Committee is, however, aware of the fact that the sponsors are almost always companies and we do not wish to test their generosity too much. The Steering Committee, therefore, reserves the right admitting individual participants.
The mailing list maintained by the Steering Committee has one or more contact names at each company and those persons are kindly requested to circulate details of our meetings within their organisation and to communicate who will represent their company. Attending representatives are kindly expected to advise as soon as possible if they are unable to attend a meeting when they have said they would. This will allow admitting further attendees and also more efficient lunch planning.
Obviously participants should at all times adhere to applicable laws and regulations, including the Dutch Competition Act (Mededingingswet), and avoid any conduct which could be deemed to breach such laws and regulations.